Known for its magnificent coast, help yourself to a refreshing dive into the historic waters of Tyre, where the murex shellfish gave birth to the dye later known as Tyrian purple. The most fearless of merchants, Tyrians distinctively founded their colonies on islands in Greece, on the northern coast of Africa, as well as Sicily, Corsica, and Spain. Nowadays, the Tyre Coast Nature Reserve provides solace to Turtles from across the Mediterranean. Visit the AL Bass & Al Mina archeological sites and enjoy local food & culture at the restaurants along Al Jamal. Savour the sacred process of olive oil in the making where olive trees have been growing since 2400 BC at Mimas Organic Mill.





Founded at the start of the third millennium BC, Tyre originally consisted of a mainland settlement and a modest island city that lay a short distance off shore. But it was not until the first millennium BC that the city experienced its golden age. In the 10th Century BC Hiram, King of Tyre, joined two islets by landfill. Later he extended the city further by reclaiming a considerable area from the sea.

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