The Kingdom of Jordan is a land of mesmerising beauty rich in historical sites, unique landscapes and cultural experiences. From the fertile Jordan Valley to remote desert canyons, visitors can explore splendid desert castles and roman ruins, gaze in awe at the haunting wilderness of Wadi Rum, or bathe in the mineral-rich waters of the Dead Sea.




The Old City of Petra

The Old City of Petra

Petra is without a doubt Jordan’s most exceptional treasure. It is hidden behind an almost impenetrable wall of rugged mountains, with only a very narrow entrance through the Siq. Petra is rightly on the UNESCO list of the new 7 wonders of the world and has been described as “one of the most precious cultural properties of man’s cultural heritage”.




Jerash is one of the largest and best preserved sites of Roman architecture outside of Italy. Its colonnaded streets, baths, theaters and arches remain in exceptional condition. Within the city walls, archaeologists have found the ruins of settlements that indicate humans have lived here for more than 6500 years.


Ajlun Castle

Ajlun Castle

The marvels of nature and the genius of medieval Arab military architecture have given northern Jordan two of the most important ecological and historical attractions in the Middle East: the sprawling pine forests of the Ajlun-Dibbine area, and the towering Ayyubid castle at Ajlun, which helped to defeat the Crusaders eight centuries ago. Ajlun Castle (Qal'at Ar-Rabad) was built by one of Saladin's generals in 1184 AD to control the iron mines of Ajlun.


Wadi Rum

Wadi Rum

A maze of monolithic rockscapes rises up from the desert floor to heights of 1,750m creating a natural challenge for serious mountaineers. Hikers can enjoy the tranquility of the boundless empty spaces and explore the canyons and water holes to discover 4000-year-old rock drawings and the many other spectacular treasures this vast wilderness holds in store. There are several options for exploring Wadi Rum, 4x4 Jeep, with your driver/guide, stay under the stars in a Bedouin tent, where you can enjoy a traditional campfire meal accompanied by Arabic music.

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